Celebrating 1 Year of the Podcast!


Time flies when you’re having fun! It’s officially been one year since my mom and I released the first episode of our podcast What’s Your Take. We’ve had so much fun this year through this new platform! We still have a lot of learning and growing to do, but want to thank all who have listened to our episodes. We have a lot of great things coming up for the podcast that we are excited to share with our audience and hope to continue to grow a new audience too. We orginally started out aiming for publishing one episode every week but with work and school we decided at least one episode a month is more feasible for us. We prefer quality episodes over quantity. Anywayssss, this is just a sappy post to thank all who have listened and encouraged us on this journey. We love our listeners! Season 2 is starting on Monday and we are so excited for this new season and all the guests that we are scheduled to interview. Lots of good episodes coming your way. We truly can’t say thank you enough. Love the platform and connectivity a podcast provides. We are two lucky gals.

♥ Maureen and Maggie

@hannahwhitsondesign does all of our podcast art (merch to come!) she’s the best check out her website here.

follow our podcast Instagram: @whatsyourtakepod

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